Hm.. that is so hard! My go-to was also going to be an apple tree, because I love their blossoms in one season, and I love their fruit in another. Out of any of the fruit-bearing trees, apples are my favorite. Apple trees are also what J. Sterling Morton (founder of Arbor Day!) planted, who lived his life and planted thousands of apple trees blocks away from my mother's birthplace, Nebraska City.

However... now that I've moved to the Pacific Northwest, I'd have to say I may now have to take up the Red Cedar. They have a strong wood that has been used to create everything from canoes to dishes to hats to totem poles over millenia. They appear in art, and they smell earthy and age well in the forest or in what they have been made into!

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If I were a tree, I would be a ginkgo tree. They are rare, unusual trees (even known as living fossils). I'm also a little on the unique side. As a child I set out to be weird (it was the cool thing to be in my crowd), and, oops, I succeeded. :D But come to think of it, maybe I was a bit weird already, before I ever tried to be.

Ginkgo biloba trees are used in Chinese medicine to aid memory. That resonates with me because memory can be such a powerful force for good in one's own life. I, for one, remember a lot. Not all memories are good ones, of course, but I have a good collection of fond memories that I hold on to. And as for being a living fossil, my hair has started to go grey, but I'm not a fossil yet. I guess some things we grow into. ;)

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